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Language Proficiency/C++


You are given  integers.Sort the  integers and print the sorted order.
Store the  integers in a vector.Vectors are sequence containers representing arrays that can change in size.

  • Declaration:

    vector<int>v; (creates an empty vector of integers)
  • Size:

    int size=v.size();
  • Pushing an integer into a vector:

    v.push_back(x);(where x is an integer.The size increases by 1 after this.)
  • Popping the last element from the vector:

    v.pop_back(); (After this the size decreases by 1)
  • Sorting a vector:

    sort(v.begin(),v.end()); (Will sort all the elements in the vector)

To know more about vectors, Click Here

Input Format

The first line of the input contains  where  is the number of integers. The next line contains  integers.

, where  is the  integer in the vector.

Output Format

Print the integers in the sorted order one by one in a single line followed by a space.

Sample Input

1 6 10 8 4

Sample Output

1 4 6 8 10

간단한 Vector 정렬 문제이다.

두 가지 방법으로 작성해보았다.

예제 #1

예제 #2

'Language Proficiency > C++' 카테고리의 다른 글

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