stringstream is a stream class to operate on strings. It basically implements input/output operations on memory (string) based streams. stringstream can be helpful in different type of parsing. The following operators/functions are commonly used here
- Operator >> Extracts formatted data.
- Operator << Inserts formatted data.
- Method str() Gets the contents of underlying string device object.
- Method str(string) Sets the contents of underlying string device object.
Its header file is sstream.
One common use of this class is to parse comma-separated integers from a string (e.g., "23,4,56").
stringstream ss("23,4,56");
char ch;
int a, b, c;
ss >> a >> ch >> b >> ch >> c; // a = 23, b = 4, c = 56
You have to complete the function vector parseInts(string str). str will be a string consisting of comma-separated integers, and you have to return a vector of int representing the integers.
Note If you want to know how to push elements in a vector, solve the first problem in the STL chapter.
Input Format
The first and only line consists of n integers separated by commas.
Output Format
Print the integers after parsing it.
P.S.: I/O will be automatically handled. You need to complete the function only.
Sample Input
Sample Output
스트링(string)이 아닌 스트링스트림(stringstream)을 이용하는 간단한 예제 문제이다.
문제 자체가 단순하게 입력받은 문자열을 구분자로 구분하여 숫자만 추출하는 문제이다.
세가지 방법을 남겨놓는다.
예제 #1
예제 #2
예제 #3
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